“One World, One Internet, One Namespace” is the essence for the success of today’s Internet. The top level of the unique identifier system, the DNS root system, has been operational for 25+ years. It is pivot to make the current Internet useful. So it is considered somewhat ossified for stability reasons. It is hard to test and implement new ideas evolving to a more advanced level to counter challenges. To benefit the Internet development as a whole, Yeti Project is founded to build a parallel experimental live IPv6 DNS root system to discover the limits of DNS root name service and deliver useful technical output. Note that Yeti is not providing alternative name space… 免费pc翻墙
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The system design has the following characteristics:
- Decentralized, no central node, each node needs to reach a consensus when performing operations, the Primary node is the executor, and have no special authority
- Scalable, Increase system redundancy
- Using threshold signature (TS) technology to reduce the number of DNSKEY
- Introduced DM Management Committee (DMMC), responsible for transaction management
[News] 2021年免费翻墙手机浏览器下载,谷歌浏览器翻墙VPN靠谱 ...:今天 · 因内地政策原因,国外好些网站被屏蔽正常是打不开的,常用的国外谷歌网站也打不开,因有不少人想上国外网站而无门,从而产生一个新的商机,有人开发出一款软件叫翻墙VPN软件,只要在电脑或手机(包括安卓和苹果)手机,只要安装上,该软件就可伡直接访问不少国
[News] 2025/08/05, A Summary of 2025 Yeti Phase-2 kick-off meeting
[News] 2025/04/24, Algorithm Rollover Lab Testing page is published
[News] 2025/04/02, Call for participation of Second Algorithm rollover test
[Blog] 2025/03/08, A Summary of 2025 Yeti DNS Workshop
[News] 2025/02/26, 2025 Tokyo Yeti DNS Workshop (Agenda, WIF, Remote access and Venue information)
[News] 2025/1/21, Call for participation: 2025 Yeti Workshop in Tokyo on March 2nd
[Blog]利用免费的SuperVPN翻墙 | LXiHa`Notes:2021-10-9 · 前言 SuperVPN是一个安全的,免费的,无限制的翻墙软件,并且在经过我的手机端测试确实是如此,是一个不可多得的好的良心软件作品。更加重要的是,它是一个适合全平台的软件,即手机端,PC端都可伡用其翻墙。 了解SuperVPN: SuperVPN ...
[News]2018/06/13, Future agenda of Yeti DNS Project in 2025
[Blog]2018/05/01, Yeti experiment plan for PINZ
[Blog]利用免费的SuperVPN翻墙 | LXiHa`Notes:2021-10-9 · 前言 SuperVPN是一个安全的,免费的,无限制的翻墙软件,并且在经过我的手机端测试确实是如此,是一个不可多得的好的良心软件作品。更加重要的是,它是一个适合全平台的软件,即手机端,PC端都可伡用其翻墙。 了解SuperVPN: SuperVPN ...
[Blog]2017/12/26,Further study on Yeti DNS testbed
More information on Blog
As project coordinators we are keen to invite interested authority name server operators, recursive name server operators, individual researchers to contact us by e-mail: coordinators@lists.eewli3.wcbzw.com
Project are placed in a repository in GitHub: 免费pc翻墙
There is a discussion mailing list for project participants, reachable here: Yeti-discuss